Friday, April 28, 2006

From Filmdom to Vloggercon

I haven't posted in a little while as I attempt to wrap up my semester and finish my film. I'll post more soon. But I'm really looking forward to Vloggercon '06 in June. See some of you there!

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Reflections on tornado aftermath

Recovery efforts are underway, and Iowa City is doing its best to return to business as usual.

Friday, April 14, 2006

Blogging the tornado

Damage at St. Patrick's Catholic Church on Court Street in Iowa City, from the Press-Citizen.

As Iowa City begins its recovery effort from the tornados that hit last night, a number of area bloggers have been offering firsthand accounts of their experiences. It's good to hear that so many folks made it through OK. I'm still waiting for my Audioblogger posts to show up here. In the meantime, read and watch the stories of other Iowa Citians:

Daily Iowan (YouTube video)
PATV (the only station offering local coverage into the night)
Bells and Blades
The Yin Blog
Mouse's Lilypad
2 Hot Chiks

Here's a particularly well-made and rather accurate portrayal of the way things went down: Appropriate Safety Actions (Video by Josh Eklow)

Tornado Aftermath in Iowa City

One of many onlookers photographs tornado damage at a building in downtown Iowa City (corner of Clinton and Court, just north of the courthouse). Tonight, Iowa City was hit by twisters that caused extensive damage throughout the downtown area. My Audioblogger posts of the tornado damage and aftermath should become available on this site soon. In the meantime, see some footage of the funnel clouds on Aaron Valdez's site. Luckily, injuries were minimal and there were no deaths in this highly unusual occurence.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Ava Su Work-in-Progress

It's Videoblogging Week Day Seven!

Last day!

Technorati Tag:

A sample of a treatment of a snippet of a film I'm working on. Includes hand-processed 16mm film slowed down using an Analyst projector and transferred by shooting off the wall. Yeah, it's a work-in-progress. Features the great Ava Su Ganwei.

Here's another video featuring Ava Su (by Aaron Valdez).

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Brain Awareness Day

It's Videblogging Week Day Six!

Technorati Tag:

BRAINS. 'Nuff said.

Friday, April 07, 2006


It's Videoblogging Week Day Five!

Technorati Tag:

Today, Aaron and I went spinning. No, not like at the gym. I mean the real thing!

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Takin' it higher

Videoblogging Week Day Four!

I'm still in the game!

Technorati Tag:

It was a long day. I was tired.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Ink and optics

Videoblogging Week Day Three!

Technorati Tag:

A short lesson in unconventional film techniques (actually, I screwed my film up the first time around, so now I'm redoing it). Yeah!

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Some bad news and some good news

Videoblogging Week Day Two!

Technorati Tag:

Bad news about the new film I'm working on. Good news about my most recent film.

By the way, if you're in one of these areas, check out "Alternative Forms of Energy" (Super 8/video, 2005) at:

Iowa City Documentary Film Festival
Wednesday, April 12th at 6pm (Iowa City, IA)
Englert Theater

Downtown Initiative for the Visual Arts (DIVA)
110 W. Broadway (Eugene, OR)
Tuesday, April 18th at 8pm
The Power of the People Don't Stop!
Short Political Documentaries Curated by Marc Moscato

Portland Documentary and Experimental Film Festival
Sunday, April 30th at 8pm
NW Film Center's Guild Theater (Portland, OR)
(playing with Bill Brown's "The Other Side"!)

Monday, April 03, 2006

The Yashica Arrives

It's Videoblogging Week 2006!

Day One. My new (almost literally) Super 8 camera arrived today. It was $20, including shipping. Thank you, eBay.

Technorati: .

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Iowa Geese in Winter

Walking along the path that borders the Iowa River earlier this winter, I came across a couple geese who were making their way across the half-thawed water on foot. Soon, they were joined by a flock of their avian compadres, who chose a spot within feet of me to gather. It was a quiet, beautiful moment. These videos are silent.